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  1. J

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    no,because i went to chicago then straight to toronto..but i heard calgary and vancouver are more strict..im not sure though..but they only asked me if do i have somebody to stay and i only said yes and whats my purpose and i said only for a vacation..and it’s because it’s my first time to enter...
  2. J

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    did you bring your police clearance with you when you get there?..
  3. J

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    but when I came to canada last january they never asked me how long i’ve been staying..but just incase i’ll just tell them that we’ll do the inland application and show them my marriage certificate and i’ll be bringing my police clearance..
  4. J

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    what a relief!!thnx for your time..and goodluck
  5. J

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    my ETA is valid for 3yrs.Can i just tell them that i’ll be in canada for a vacation lol
  6. J

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    do you have to apply your medical too just incase you need to go for check ups?..
  7. J

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    yes the immigration officer of port entry..i’ll be arriving in canada this end of june or first week of july and we’ll be applying my inlnad papers as soon as i get there thankYou
  8. J

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    we already have our marriage certificate..we have an LDR since 2013..because we are already together before i came to hawaii..but long story short yea we got married last january in canada and i stayed in canada for almost 2months then I came back to hawaii..now,i’m planning to move with him and...
  9. J

    ****JUNE 2018 INLAND Application****

    Hi..my husband is a permanent resident in canada and im a greencard holder..i came to canada last january and we got married..but i came back to hawaii last february..and now,we are planning to be together(which is the noramal husband and wife does). And we heard about the inland...