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  1. H

    Affording to be a student?

    so it would essentially be 4 years.. my HND in the uk would give me first 2 years of a bachelors, so id complete the ba, then teaching college.. is that right :$?
  2. H

    Affording to be a student?

    so the early childhood studies isn't enough? I'd need to go on to study in education specifically? Ahh.. okay now I'm a little confused this isn't as straightforward anymore lol. I would love to just be teaching either kindergarten - elementary..
  3. H

    Affording to be a student?

    Alright thank you! I'll follow from HNC to HND in that same subject, it's a diploma so it should be entry for year 3! I can't seem to find an email but I'll keep looking - thank you :D!
  4. H

    Affording to be a student?

    Alright so i suppose then doing a year of childhood studies at HNC, which is 1 year uni equivalent, then move onto a HND in childhood studies, which is 2 years uni equivalent would be better than just the one year of HNC of childhood studies, then moving onto something different.. for the course...
  5. H

    Affording to be a student?

    I really had no idea they would reject me for taking a different course each year :( I might be able to progress with this course to HND, then i'd have a diploma instead of a certificate.. I'll need to look into it! Thanks for the heads up tho!
  6. H

    Affording to be a student?

    I would maybe have to take a loan then, which I already am doing now.. I'll be in 20k debt like most other students but.. Honestly to me it's worth I'd rather pay it back slowly in Canada than slowly in the UK
  7. H

    Affording to be a student?

    Yeah I suppose but I've already enrolled, It's too late to change! A HNC is usually a 1 year course, so I'll do another HNC next year, maybe something similar like social science or psychology, maybe business, not sure.. Something that will give me a good change of getting into uni. I know.. Yes...
  8. H

    Affording to be a student?

    I chose that because I'd like to become an elementary teacher, do you have any suggestions to a degree which would be better in the long run? I'm genuinely curious if there is better out there?
  9. H

    Affording to be a student?

    My course in college is 1 year, if i took a different course would that still count? I mean by doing 2 years at college, different courses? or would it need to be the same course for 2 years? I don't know ! I just really love Toronto..
  10. H

    Affording to be a student?

    I thought it was 20k? I would work when I get there either on the campus or off, I may have my family sending money too. How do other students cover all of their costs then? They all can't come from rich families..
  11. H

    Affording to be a student?

    Yeah that was exactly my plan, study, get work and eventually the PR. Alright thank you I'll defenitely say that instead, I'm not just hoping the 4month overstay won't be held against me then.. damn.
  12. H

    Affording to be a student?

    Oh okay, but what if I want to work in Canada after I graduate? Should I not say that's my plan?
  13. H

    Affording to be a student?

    I want to apply for the BA of early childhood studies at Reyerson in Toronto, In the UK i'm doing a pre-university program of Childhood studies, which is equivalent to 1st year of university. I think I'd be able to go straight into 2nd or 3rd year at university at Reyerson, which would save...
  14. H

    Affording to be a student?

    On the visa application or the university application? I know, I will not lie about it.. but hopefully enough time will have passed, since leaving I've been working and going to school in the back here in the Uk..
  15. H

    Affording to be a student?

    Hello, not really sure if this is the correct place to ask, especially for this topic but I went online to the university I want to attend in a few years, it's in Toronto, however couldn't find what I was looking for in terms of information for international students! My question is that, how...
  16. H

    can someone explain this?!

    I've been doing some research, however I'm still confused. I know there are 3 types of removal orders, the first being a Departure Order where if the person subject to a departure order complies with the order within 30 days of when it comes into force, then the person will not face exclusion...
  17. H

    Applying for PR with different marriage..

    I'm currently back in the UK. I never received my 3rd visa in the mail as i was staying with my friend, and unknowingly overstayed by a bit less than 4 months, I emailed cic to see what was going on with my application they told me i should have left DEC 1, so i made flight arrangements and left...
  18. H

    Applying for PR with different marriage..

    We are separated though, amicably, applying for divorce, would immigration really look at the dates I was first married and the dates I would be married again? Of course I wont be married again for a number of years and until I'm 100% divorced, I'm just thinking of the future, because I'm in...
  19. H

    Applying for PR with different marriage..

    I don't really know how to start but basically when I was 18 I was involved in a LDR with a Canadian, he came to visit me in the UK, then I went to visit him in Canada, when I was 20 we got married, I stayed in Canada the entire time on a visitor visa so we could apply for sponsorship. We never...