19 April was the date of opening the Draw by PEI but there is no update till now. At their website, details of Draw of March and Feb month are available.
Maybe PEI has postponed it for next few days
Please try below link. The first link is direct you to Canadian govt website and second will help you to know about GC key
How to create your GCKey - E-visums.co.uk
First complete profile(EOI), the address is given below:-
then shared my interest and settlement plan to PEI, by email
is there any other way to apply and get their reply early>???
I have also applied for PNP PEI and I sent email to PEI in December, after completing the express entry profile
but there is no reply from PEI side. I learned that 6 months is average time for PEI revert.
If anyone has some update, please revert