is this also valid for speaking and writing module??? checking done twice by different examiners. As far as i think speaking is evaluated by single examiner.
I can't get you marks for what part?
I appeared in 6 Jan & then later on 1 Feb. I have come across & learnt that listening and reading modules standards were higher in Feb paper.
for 17 wasn't it book in advance instead pay in advance, as the speaker said it might be quite rushy so u need to book in advance. I wrote book in advance? is it right ?
no 6 is "not given"
7. False. Last one specifies that you will be guaranteed to be contacted; however the last sentence of the text clearly soecified that it is not always your call would be answered.
paper is the right answer as the statement in the text specified. any paper that would be "companys' business" cannot claimed by the employer.
and the question was
An employer can have ownership to any of the _____ to the company document. (Paper)