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  1. J

    Student: Accidentally put in extra hours in my pay hour sheet (so my biweekly shows 44 hrs instead of the allowed 40hrs).

    So I made a mistake in inputting my working hours on two of my older pay stubs. During this fall, my work schedule goes as follows: 8/8/4 hrs for Mon/Tue/Wed. On two occasions, I mistakenly put in extra hours so 8/8/8 instead. I have documented evidence that shows that I communicated this to my...
  2. J

    Student: Accidentally put in 4 extra hours in my pay hour sheet (so my biweekly shows 44 hrs instead of the allowed 40hrs).

    Yes, I’ve already done that - subtracted 4 hrs from on present time sheets. I can acquire my employers affidavit on the matter clarifying that I worked 20hrs and not further. Soooo….this should be ok, right? As I didn’t actually break any laws and it was mostly an entry error. I just wanna...
  3. J

    Student: Accidentally put in 4 extra hours in my pay hour sheet (so my biweekly shows 44 hrs instead of the allowed 40hrs).

    Hey! Thanks for responding. And yes, it was generated today, which is when I noted it.
  4. J

    Student: Accidentally put in 4 extra hours in my pay hour sheet (so my biweekly shows 44 hrs instead of the allowed 40hrs).

    So I mistakenly put in the wrong hours and added 4 extra hours where they don’t belong (I work three days with 8/8/4 hrs split, but I put 8/8/6 hrs by mistake). I’ve informed my employer that it was a mistake, but I’m wondering if that’s going to show up for when I apply for PR. I can have my...
  5. J

    Is this a violation of my study-work permit?

    Hi. Thanks for responding! So I’m thinking I’d dropping out of the co-op degree entirely (example, I’ll go from “Bachelor in CS wit Co-Op” to just “Bachelor of CS”. I believe that would relieve me of the restriction? Secondly, summer is generally considered a scheduled break, and I did take...
  6. J

    Is this a violation of my study-work permit?

    Is this a study permit violation? Okay so international student doing co-op here. I already have my coop work permit. My first co-op term was/is this May-August. However, I did not manage to land a position through my university co-op job board. By the start of May, I gave up on getting a...