Thank you so much. I truly wish everyone speedy PPR. If a file isn't sent for SS, average time I have seen for LVO is 7 months - judging from my friends' applications too. The only one that stretched into 9 months was because he added his newborn twins. It will end in good glorious praise.
I guess only few people are updating. I got PPR mail today. Thanks to all for the support.
@BillHyatt words cannot quantify the depth of my gratitude. You've held me sane with your many positive words on this forum.
Best wishes to all in wait. It will come, the waiting time can just be...
The "how to find a job in Canada" mail came in December 2017 on my FTD. That was when my file moved to LVO. Saw ghost update in April. April 24 to be precise. Been a long wait with no information not even on status. We wait!
It can mean different things depending on the stage one's application is in. For instance, I am in IP2 and saw ghost update which signifies my file has been reviewed - the officer may decide to request ADR or simply initiate PPR mail. I have only notice ghost update once but I've read of others...
I am no expert but my thinking is they need your medical extended in order to have a favorable travel date/period for you.
You know the visa expiry date is always tied to either validity of your medicals or expiry of your passport(the shortest of the two).
And since it may take up to or even...
Is there some sort of holiday in London or the upcoming Royal Wedding is hampering flow of work? There has been a dearth of ADR and PPR from LVO or has there been report on other forums? Over a week now, no news here...
Seen. I don't mind being a part of a Whatsapp group that reports positive movement. I need some form of positivity to keep me going. The wait and silence is frustratingly draining! Btw, I also got ghost update on April 24. Nothing since then.
Just read this. I admire your strong will. Hang in there. Really hoping for an avalanche of PPR this week and next for all November AOR and outstanding months...
Now you can heave a big sigh of relief. Congratulations.
@BillHyatt please any predictions for those of us still waiting from previous months? I've got friends that are October 12 AOR. Mine is Nov 5 AOR. Ghost update has gone beyond 15 days now. It's just hard to hope week on week...