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  1. k.baer96

    Background Check

    This isn't in regards to your question, so I apologize. But I was just wondering how long after your submitted your application did it take for them to request a background check? We're stuck not knowing if we can submit our Spousal Sponsorship application while waiting on police certificates or...
  2. k.baer96

    Background Check & Police Certifcates Request after Submission Timeline

    How long after submitting your application for Spousal Sponsorship did it take to receive the request for the background check/police certificates? I hadn't realized how long it takes for the FBI to get back with a police certificate and we had really hoped to submit our spousal sponsorship...
  3. k.baer96

    Waiting on word from CPC Vegreville on my Husbands Extension, been nearly a month

    So the fact that we submitted the application gives him implied status, even though we have not yet received word that they're begun processing his application? I'm not expecting them to already confirm/reject his extension, I understand that it takes months for them to make a decision. So we...
  4. k.baer96

    Waiting on word from CPC Vegreville on my Husbands Extension, been nearly a month

    We mailed my husbands application to extend his status as a visitor in Canada on December 8, 2017 to CPC Vegreville. We have not yet received any word that they have received his application or begun processing it, and his visitor status/record expires on January 21, 2018 (this month). We mailed...