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  1. D


    Hi, Thanks for the reply Dr.Hasib. Went thro' the link, and as per my understanding we can get away with the qualifying program if we are successful in the clinical skills and judgement assessment, and can then appear for the NDBE certification process. Please correct me if im wrong. dr_mgk
  2. D


    Hi, I am happy to find so many dentists on this forum. I am an Oral pathologist with six yrs experience in that field. I have done my medicals in the month of September and waiting for my landing papers. I have few queries, if anybody could help me on that I will be grateful. 1. If am applying...
  3. D


    Hi, I am happy to find so many dentists on this forum. I am an Oral pathologist with six yrs experience in that field. I have done my medicals in the month of September and waiting for my landing papers. I have few queries, if anybody could help me on that I will be grateful. 1. If am applying...
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    Dentist 3113

    hi i am dentist with a specialization in Oral pathology and i am into teaching for the past six yrs. I have done my medicals in towards processing for my Canadian visa.If iam applying for dental licensure programe for Internationally trained dentist, how do i get my credentials checked am i to...