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Search results

  1. M

    Fingerprinting for RCMP certificate

    hey guys, for those of you living outside of Canada how did you get your fingerprints done for the RCMP certificate? I am in touch with an authorized company in Canada for digitize my fingerprints but I still need to get them on paper. The police station here in Europe refuses to do it for me...
  2. M

    non conviction vs. non criminal certificate (Jordan)

    Hi guys, I got the two Police certificates requested by cic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/mid-east/jordan.asp#info) The non-conviction certificate I got from the ministry of justice but it says on it 'non-criminal certificate'. In the body it says that I am...
  3. M

    PCC from Jordan

    Hi guys, I got the good conduct certificate from the general intelligence; all good I have a question about the non conviction certificate; is it the same as the non-criminal certificate? I obtained it from the ministry of justice but it does not say on it non convication, it says non...