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  1. S

    Quebec Skilled Worker Federal Stage (After CSQ)

    Hi everyone, I hope someone on this forum can answer this question: if you get married while your application is in federal stage (after CSQ), and you want to add your spouse as non-accompanying, do you still need to send your CSQ back and get a new one? I have got really confusing information...
  2. S

    Quebec Skilled Worker Federal Stage (After CSQ)

    Hi @raman8310, Which forms did you use for non-accompanying family member? I recently got married, and I've only sent my wife's information along with her passport copy and birth certificate. Can you point me to the generic and background declaration forms? Thanks!
  3. S

    Quebec Skilled Worker Federal Stage (After CSQ)

    Thanks for your response! Is there anyone else here who had to update their family status after they obtained their CSQ?!
  4. S

    Quebec Skilled Worker Federal Stage (After CSQ)

    Hi everyone, I just joined the forum, and updated the spreadsheet with my info. Somewhat relieved to see so many others waiting with frustration for their files to be processed. I must say, Quebec seems to intentionally make it worse for immigrants! :) I applied for my CSQ way back in 2014, and...