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Search results

  1. connectsai

    Passports to CPC Ottawa - May 2018

    Hello everyone! I am CEC - Inland and here's my timeline: Received ITA - Feb 21st 2018 - My score was 446 but CIC picked that particular draw at 442. Submitted Applications and AOR - March 27th Medicals Cleared - April 4th ADR- April 4th - Request to upload Schedule A form. IP1 - April...
  2. connectsai

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    No change in my profile - except for this one section status changed from "Not Applicable" to "Additional documents you've submitted are currently being reviewed" I received email at 4:11 PM - EST Cheers,
  3. connectsai

    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Hello Everyone! To help everyone else in this amazing page I've decided to share my timeline: Received ITA - Feb 21st 2018 - My score was 446 but CIC picked that particular draw at 442. Submitted Applications and AOR - March 27th Medicals Cleared - April 4th ADR- April 4th - Request to...
  4. connectsai

    Ray of Hope 68th Draw

    Just FYI, Source - http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/EE-2016-eng.pdf In January and February 2016, IRCC held regular invitation rounds issuing about 1,500 invitations per round. As planned, smaller invitation rounds (between 750 and 1,000) were held between March and August 2016 to allow...