How do u knew that ???
My score is 443
Nd i submitted my file last year march
Do u think i will also miss or will get ita ??
Plz reply
Still haven’t recieve
Hey guys,
I didn't receive my result :(
I received an letter that my result has been postponed
Is there anyone in same situation ????
I didn't cheat !! I dint knew whats going on
Hie, i was supposed to get my ielts test scpre today but i received an email that it has been delayed for quality procedures.
Has this happened with anyone else ??
Does this happens to a single candidate or everyone ?
Plz help
My crs score is 401 with 1 year work experience. I gave ielts 5 times, each time my score in writing is 6.5. i really dont know how to jump to 7. Is there any location where you can get good ielts result in ontario near GTA.
PLEASE help me
I am plannig to move prince edward for pnp. Yeah i gave ielts 4 times, unable to score more than 7
I will try ielts again, i wish points drop to 400. I will get my 2 year work experience points in feb but at the same time my work permit will also expire
I really need advice regarding my file. My score is 401, last draw was 449 .
I dont knew if crs will come to my points. Should i move or wait for the points to drop ?