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  1. Y

    Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications 2016 timeline and updates

    Hello, My application was received on May 9, 2016 by CIC and it seems that it's still in process. Does anyone who applied on May, 2016 and still waiting...? I applied inland sponsor PR application and I am really concerned as I am not hearing anything from CIC yet.. Thank you
  2. Y

    Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications 2016 timeline and updates

    It started from May 8th so it's been over a year.
  3. Y

    Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications 2016 timeline and updates

    Really appreciate this. Patience is all I have at this moment so..... hopefully I will get a respond from them soon...
  4. Y

    Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications 2016 timeline and updates

    Thanks for the quick respond! So will they eventually ask for re-do?
  5. Y

    Spousal Sponsorship in-land Applications 2016 timeline and updates

    Hi Guys, I have a question about my Inland PR application and hopefully someone can answer.. My application was received by CIC on May 8th, 2016. Application was sent when I had no status so I am just sitting here and wait... My question is that I have done my medical on May 26th,2016 so it's...