Thats really good that means if i have 7 years of work experience i can expect more then 2 years of work credit depending on my experience report . If you dont mind can you send me the work experience report you made .
You can mail it to me on
Thank you
Hello Wayne .. It took you 12 months to get the letter requesting to write conformatory exams ? Can you please share with me the letter . If you dont mind .
Hello , I would like to ask you How much time did they take before they asked you to write the exam ?? and where will you be writing the exam in Canada or in India ?? do we have to write the exam on their given specific date ??
Thank you ,
Hello Kashif ,
Were you able to submit your self assesment form ... Did they get back to you ..What was the outcome ?? How much time are they taking to get back to us with the conformatory exam ??
Hello Selnaggar ,
I am having Ten Years of work experience in Electrical and Electronic Engineering , I have applied to APEGS (Sasketchwan ) for E.I.T(Engineer in training) , However on their website , They have mentioned that if we have more then 5 years of work experience the conformatory...
Hello guys ,
In the recent PNP nomination for SASKETCHWAN , They have invited Engineers with Engineer in training from APEGS , Can anyone tell me how to get EIT from APEGS ...
OK Thanks .
Are you sure about the rest of your answers . The below are my answers which are different from the answers you have written .. I might be wrong ....
4. Attractive (A)
32. Preservation .
35.Films .
40. preserve