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Search results

  1. F

    Ray of Hope 63rd Draw

    I don't exactly remember but there is a question asking something about if half of the study is done in French and you should say no
  2. F

    Ray of Hope 63rd Draw

    How is the new policy going to affect CRA?? With additional points from siblings and French proficiency coming in June and the fact that CIC issued somewhere around 40,000 ITAs( which makes me think that they are going to slow down the pace) I'm afraid CRA will jump up in July.
  3. F

    Eligibility determined by the system

    My current score is 425. If I wait till end of June when the new policy of French proficiency and siblings take effect not sure about my chances.
  4. F

    Eligibility determined by the system

    It looks like a great chance to get ITA with the low CRA cut-off at the moment and that's why I'd really like to take the opportunity. I mean the information I entered in my EE profile is 100% true. And currently I do think I have a high chance of receiving the ITA in the next draw. Say if I...
  5. F

    Eligibility determined by the system

    Hi everyone, so today I filled out my express profile again and surprisingly the system determined I am eligible to enter the pool which quite concerns me. Here are the specific details that I really need clarification: I got my PGWP on June 27th 2016, before that I received a full-time job...