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  1. R

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    So I thought I should update everyone before I go AWOL like I usually do........Another conversation with Stephanie Cheureng a few minutes ago( had to apologize for the hounding calls to her office), Parliamentary Affairs at the HOC, 613 995 2727. In response to my previous query about a...
  2. R

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I would a guess a further amendment is in order based on what I have heard. Again, we are speculating but I really do hope that this is the case. Thanks!
  3. R

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Hello Everyone, This is my second post in this forum besides one that I have made on page 305 introducing myself to everyone. I have been a mute spectator on here and have followed all your posts(both good and bad) diligently. So just to update everyone with a piece of information that I just...
  4. R

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Hi everybody, I have been following this site and the C6 related threads ever since this bill was introduced in the HOC back a couple years. While its interesting to note all the hysteria and speculation sorrounding this bill and the direct consequences of the bill not yet being passed into...