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  1. P

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Dear hbrod, Here it is: https://chat.whatsapp.com/F6cuqhiI3wGDb6pgF0lS2p Futhermore, I advise you to check this website here * https://express-entry.herokuapp.com/ * were important information about de AOR is gathered in a simple and direct way. It should help you check your documentation and...
  2. P

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Fala galera! Queria saber: Daqui do grupo quem está no processo pós-ITA? Finalizei meu processo agora e queria me dispor a ajudar o pessoal que está nessa etapa, pois meu processo já foi aprovado e gostaria de compartilhar as informações que utilizei. Estou preparando agora a última parte (o...
  3. P

    Advice for "engineers" applying to Professional Engineers Ontario for P.Eng.

    Hello guys! I'm new here so I have a simple question. What is the EIT worth? I reckon it can be taken before going to Canada, but I want to understand what use does it have for me. Thanks for your attention!