Wow I am Impressed. This is a very good quality writeups. Could you please provide me some hints or examples of test questions type. as my wife's exam is 1st week of Dec. may be you can PM me smmohsin at gmail. Thanks
Hi Guys, How did it go? I passed the test and interview. Got 18/20 there were some questions that I didn't find in any website. Anyway, please share your status if you want to.
Have a nice long weekend.
Thanks Kian,
I did some online practice too. I followed mostly apnatoronto site and v-soul dot com sites. Do you recommend something else ? How are taking preparation for interview?
Thanks again.
Hi Friends,
If you are going to attend your citizenship test in April 2017, please join, get informed, share your comments and help others.
Hi Friends,
I am going to attend my test on 7th April 2017, could you help me providing some questions you found in the exam for written test and in interview. Much appreciate your help.