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  1. R

    Common law while still married.

    Hi, Would you mind what documents they provide? My common law was still married in the philippines. And separated for almost 15 years however, no chance of getting annulled coz its expensive, is it possible to include him for mt pr application? Thanks for the reply
  2. R

    Sponsoring Conjugal Partner from the Philippines success chances

    Me and my boyfriend was been together for 10 years in philippines, but we dont had a proof that we stayed in one roof because i used to work overseas. Is it possible to apply him as a common law? And if for conjugal partner, how long i have to wait once i have my PR to sponsor him as conjugal...
  3. R

    Sponsoring Conjugal Partner from the Philippines success chances

    Are you sure with that? I have a friend, she applied for common law together when she applied for PR. Coz they said, that you cant apply for a sponsorship when you didnt include your common law or conjugal partner in you PR application. thanks!
  4. R

    Sponsoring Conjugal Partner from the Philippines success chances

    You mean i have to apply first my pr before i add him to as a conjugal partner right? Even if we have joint bank account and property?
  5. R


    Hi i just want to ask if your conjugal sponsorship was been succeful? Thanks!
  6. R

    Sponsoring Conjugal Partner from the Philippines success chances

    Hi!! Can i ask how many months you process for a conjugal partner? Im thinking me and my boyfriend to apply it for him. He was married and annulment is expensive in the philippines thats why he cant file for it because of luck of money. We have a small property of land together. Is that...