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Search results

  1. P

    AOR in April 2017 - Let's Connect Here!

    Please add me to whatsapp group
  2. P

    Received ITA 22 Feb 2017 55th Draw --- Connect Here!

    Just Received ITA. Congratulations all! :) :)
  3. P

    Received ITA 22 Feb 2017 55th Draw --- Connect Here!

    Thank you for relief message. My case is little sketchy because I completed my jobbank profile yesterday. I didn't know that it is necessary to activate express entry profile. Luckily I got it done and received message right away form cic that I am accepted in express entry pool of candidates...
  4. P

    Received ITA 22 Feb 2017 55th Draw --- Connect Here!

    same here. 454. created profile yesterday and got confirmation message that I am in pool.