yep, got the confirmation email... if any body needs help, let me know.
link: http[colon][fwd slash][fwd slash] i [dot] imgur [dot] com [fwd slash] 6LQf2j2.png
[fwd slash]: '/'
[dot] = '.'
[colon] = ':'
oh forgot to give instructions....
So go to this link: https [colon] //www [dot] [dot] gov.on [dot] ca/PNPEnrol/index.jsp
secret tip: replace [colon] with ':'
and replace [dot] with '.'
and then type in your enrollment number
Listen people! it is working! ;p
This working for me: https [colon] //www [dot] [dot] gov.on [dot] ca/PNPEnrol/index.jsp
Thanks for all the help xoxoxox