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  1. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    As per Canada Timing Its between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Ottawa City Timing
  2. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    Average time of draw is between UTC 13:00 and 18:00
  3. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    Good option, but don't I have to prove that I did actually had those scores on the day when ITA was issued to me?
  4. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    I am on the edge here, having 50/50 responses. Is there a way to contact someone in CIC who can help???
  5. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    Was sitting at 451 as of January 31, 2017, but now at 464 bcz system gave me 13 extra points in advance as my 2nd year of work experience is completing on March 17, 2017. Not sure what to do if I get the ITA, really confusssssssssssssseeeeeeeed. ANY SUGGESTIONS?????????
  6. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    In my point of view, Candidates who create profile before completing One year of experience should stop doing that. The EE System grants the work experience depending on MONTH and not according to the SPECIFIC DATE, EE System thinks they are eligible candidates but technically they are not. For...
  7. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    Vote for the SCORE. Insert www in front of the link below, then check the box in front of the score you expect and click VOTE button below. .anonvote.com/poll/he540031re
  8. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    Oh Alright, then u r on same boat like me. My 2nd year experience completes on 17 March, 2017. But I already have 13 extra points in advance. Not sure how to deal with this....
  9. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    I think he has to decline the ITA. DelPiero07 missed this information. Accordingly, officers should refuse an application under section A11.2 if it is determined that at the time of the ITA or e-APR, the applicant did not or does not meet the MEC, which includes the requirements of the program...
  10. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    I hope so its normal. Is there anyone else who had the same issue?
  11. G

    RAY of HOPE 54th Draw (Predictions)

    Got extra 13 points today, was sitting at 451 and now points are 464. Work experience starts from 17 March 2015, which means my points were suppose to increase in March 2017 with 2 years of work experience and come to 464, but they have already increased today. ANY IDEA ON THIS? is it a glitch...