I have a question regarding eligibility for in terms of work experience.
For creating a profile CIC states that there should be at-least one year experience in the specified NOC profession within the last 10 years. Referring: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who.asp...
Thanks for your response.
I did not get it correctly. So if one gets PNP and then PR on that basis, is there a requirement set by province or CIC to stay in that specific province?
or any other condition?
Please provide link if information is provided somewhere.
Is there a requirement to stay in the province for x amount of time, after getting provincial nomination and subsequently arriving in Canada with PR?
If there are more of such requirements please direct towards it or enlighten me.
It does have some jobs but not sure it is replicating the entire job market like on indeed.
Looking for jobs from outside Canada is extremely difficult, again depends on how may applicants are there for the job.
Hello friends
Myself a mechanical engineer with 5+ years experience in oil and gas projects.
I just wanted to get local perspective in the Canadian market. Can recently migrated people/locals please give information that how is job situation for Mechanical/design/project engineers generally...
Is there a requirement to stay in the province for x amount of time, after getting provincial nomination and subsequently arriving in Canada with PR. Say for Nova Scotia or Ontario PNP cases if there is a requirement how long are these...