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  1. Chuie

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Been five years...i guess stupidity never thought about saving everything. Though good thing i kept all his letters and their original envelopes, i still have the e-tickets of my trips and i could always photocopy the pages of my passport to show the admittance stamps i have travelling there...
  2. Chuie

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Hey everyone I am applying outland through London, UK office (well very soon... ) I am a British citizen and my Canadian partner is sponsoring me and we are to be married this December. We have been in a relationship for nearly 6 years and see each other twice a year for about 3 weeks at each...
  3. Chuie

    I'm confused - Should i apply for Family Sponsorship? Where do I start please?

    I did read it. It was one of the very first things i read on the site. Though i guess i just needed it dumbed down for me. Am not really stupid but the process just seems a little complex with how much information is needed and so on.
  4. Chuie

    I'm confused - Should i apply for Family Sponsorship? Where do I start please?

    Thank you very much ~ I will begin all this now. With my dissertation for my degree this year, having a solid idea on what to do for this would help greatly and allow me have more time for my university work.
  5. Chuie

    I'm confused - Should i apply for Family Sponsorship? Where do I start please?

    Hey, Am planning in advance to get everything ready for my application and am not sure where to start exactly. I have been with my partner (who lives and was born in Canada) for over five years and in December we are marrying. After this marriage, i plan to then apply for Permanent Residency...