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  1. Santana Two

    Questions about Filling The PGP 2024 Application For PR

    Good day all, As the unpaid representative, son and sponsor for my one parent who’s been invited to apply for PR via PGP Program 2020/2024, I’m progressing through the process relatively well thanks for the great help from this forum, I truly appreciate it, Some questions please: 1) Other...
  2. Santana Two

    Parent Grandparent Program 2024 - PR Application: IMM-0008 & IMM 5406

    Many thanks, much appreciated armoured
  3. Santana Two

    Parent Grandparent Program 2024 - PR Application: IMM-0008 & IMM 5406

    Many thanks for your prompt response YVR123, Sorry about the confusion, yes, as stated, I'm the principal applicant, I appreciate your response, very helpful, thanks.
  4. Santana Two

    Parent Grandparent Program 2024 - PR Application: IMM-0008 & IMM 5406

    Good day everyone As the principal sponsored applicant, I have been recently selected via the Parents Grandparents Program to apply for permanent residence and now in the process of filling my forms: I'm struggling to understand the followings somewhat contradicting questions and hope you can...
  5. Santana Two

    Applying for PR while in Canada visiting on a PGP Super Visa

    Much appreciated, thank you very much!
  6. Santana Two

    Applying for PR while in Canada visiting on a PGP Super Visa

    Good day all In 2020 I submitted an Interest To Sponsor application for my mother via the Parents and Grandparents Program for which I received no confirmation of acceptance, as an alternative, as the IRCC website recommended, she, then applied and was approved for a Super Visa for her to...
  7. Santana Two

    Supporting Documents - Citizenship Application

    Will do, many thanks guys, much appreciated
  8. Santana Two

    Supporting Documents - Citizenship Application

    Any thoughts, anyone?
  9. Santana Two

    Supporting Documents - Citizenship Application

    Hello everyone, This must've been answered before, for the life of me, I couldn't find clear answers, forgive me. 1) What are the supporting documents required with the application for Canada citizenship? 2) In addition to the document checklist (CIT0007E-2), do I include suggested list...
  10. Santana Two

    Supporting documents

    Hello everyone, Valuable info., thanks. I'm in the process of filling application for citizenship as well. So, by "No extra documents apart of checklist documents." do you mean that; when sending application, we shouldn't include those "supporting documents" unless or until we're asked for it...
  11. Santana Two

    Application For Citizenship New Forms

    Thanks Shmack, yes I figured, except, in the older version; we could fill partially, save, then resume with the rest later, this is different. Thanks
  12. Santana Two

    Application For Citizenship New Forms

    Thanks bkd, appreciated. New form can't be saved (highlighted/stated clearly on the form), maybe you're using the one from June. Thanks very much.
  13. Santana Two

    Application For Citizenship New Forms

    Good day all, In the process of applying for Canada citizenship for which I have started filling the online provided, originally savable/editable PDF forms marked with "CIT 0002 (06-2017) E", only to realize today that there have been another/new version marked: "CIT 0002 (08-2017) E" and now...
  14. Santana Two

    Physical Presence Calculation for Citizenship Application

    Very, very much appreciated. Given the numerous entries and exits, I may resort to using the pdf version of time calculation, seems easier to use. I've also just received my PRC for this period, accurate dates were used backed by copies of all relevant travel documents, still fresh, should...
  15. Santana Two

    Physical Presence Calculation for Citizenship Application

    Hi All, Similar questions may have been already answered, forgive me, but I couldn't find a clear one: Simply, here are the details for my physical presence in canada for the indicated years: Year Number of days physically present in Canada 2012 197 2013 364...
  16. Santana Two

    PRC Renewal Form Questions

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, New on here, thanks in advance; In the process of renewing my PRC for the second time, in the application form: A) Section C, #19: the list is long, do I state all stays, everywhere and stays back at home for every trip (vacation, family visit, work) or only stays...