I have a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree.
In EE application, do I need to provide ECA for both degrees?
Or I only need ECA for the highest degree?
I submitted on July 12th. The status changed to DIP on Aug 9th.
Until now it is still DIP.
Don't know how many more days I need to wait, but I sang "O Canada" one more time today ;)
I got NOI from Ontario, but I have to submit after several months..
If by that time this year's quota is used out, will Ontario nominate me next year??
In my opinion, they should not put age at a high priority. In some provincial programs, you can get full score in age if you are under 35..
IF I am 29 years old, I can get 25 more points. This is so frustrating..
If your assumption is correct, the cutoff will never fall below 420.
But we never know how many new candidates with 400+ join the pool every two weeks.