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  1. Z

    My Student Visa was Rejected for unwarranted reason.

    The program that i chose is the only program that i need for my business. I own an electronics shop i sell mostly computer hardware and accessories. The program that i applied for is a computer technician program i couldn't find a masters or phd course that would suit me and my business. I...
  2. Z

    My Student Visa was Rejected for unwarranted reason.

    Update* I have been refused a visa for the third time. Reason is purpose of visit. They never even bothered to grant me an interview which i asked them to do in the cover letter. I do not recommend anyone to reapply to study in Canada if ever refused a visa.
  3. Z

    My Student Visa was Rejected for unwarranted reason.

    I'm going to assume your kidding around.
  4. Z

    My Student Visa was Rejected for unwarranted reason.

    Thanks for your reply. I have provided them with detailed explanation of the course, the reason why i'm studying the program, what i plan to do after completion of the program. I also provided them my travel history provided by the Jordanian government. I have provided them a police...
  5. Z

    My Student Visa was Rejected for unwarranted reason.

    The problem is I have. I have written a 3 paragraph long over letter and submitted it along with the application. The application also included a photocopy of my passport. The cover letter explained to them my situation in detail, but i don't think the visa officer took the time to read it...
  6. Z

    My Student Visa was Rejected for unwarranted reason.

    Thanks for your reply. I don't think you understand the situation. The refusal note implies that I am living in Libya and applying to Canada in order to escape a war zone. I'm a Jordanian Citizen living in Jordan. My citizenship is clearly written on their application, Also the bio-metrics...
  7. Z

    My Student Visa was Rejected for unwarranted reason.

    I'm a Jordanian who holds 4 degrees in Information technology. I have an associates degree in I.T from the United States, A bachelors Degree in computer Science from Australia, A postgraduate in I.T from Ireland and a Masters Degree in Computer Science from UK. I have never been refused a visa...