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  1. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Yes, thanks, I saw this
  2. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Nevertheless the 'waiting' 50% applications of 2016 may come back as soon as C-6 is a law cluttering the band width of the processing time and this could prove to be a double whammy for those like me who are almost getting there now even with a 4/6 rule ???
  3. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Yes, me too was thinking on the same lines about what could be the main reason for the decrease in Citizenship applications last year other than the heightened fees, however I though Mr. Griffith would have considered and ruled out this factor before his comments....
  4. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    This is in French, can't understand :-\, is there an English version...?
  5. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    We all are seeing what Trump is doing to the immigrants there; do you guys still think Cons here will have a chance to comeback so soon and mess it up here too??
  6. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    This is a fair comment, let's hope for better...
  7. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I already told pessimists to please refrain.....I am just looking for expert views, plain views, no rosy pictures, no nagging on what hasn't happened since last year and of course no precise date predictions...that's an act of fortune telling.... :)
  8. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Great News!! The committee will meet on 15th and 16th Feb on C-6 https://sencanada.ca/en/Committees/allmeetings/42-1?p=2 https://sencanada.ca/en/Committees/allmeetings/42-1?p=3 I am quite hopeful that, C-6 will be a law by Canada Day 2017! :) Experts, please comment Pessimists, please do me a...
  9. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    As far I know, it doesn't matter when you got the PR, what matters is which rule is applicable when you apply for the Citizenship. Unfortunately you won't be eligible yet with current 1460 days (4 of 6 years) rule.
  10. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    At the moment many of us here are so C-6 centered that we can't expect him to do anything else but expedite C-6... :) Nevertheless I don't mind he not saying anything about C-6 but making sincere efforts towards making it a law, ASAP.
  11. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Yes: https://twitter.com/ratnaomi/status/828288794709352451
  12. W

    Petition to Senate Leadership to Pass Bill C-6

    Great, will do the needed ASAP
  13. W

    Petition to Senate Leadership to Pass Bill C-6

    Hello, Please can you clarify more, are they all Conservative senators or ALL of them in the senate or....? ?
  14. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Who decided what takes presidence for these meetings? Is it just FIFO (first in first out) or we can blame the conservatives even here....?
  15. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Yes, let's not forget C-6 was only sent to the committee on the last day of the previous Senate session before the holidays. Of course the rest of the meetings scheduled are for the topics which came before that, so let's wait and watch!
  16. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Please look at this: http://www.parl.gc.ca/ParlBusiness/senate/calendar/cal2017-e.htm
  17. W

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Well it doesn't really cost being optimistic and not to forget a lot of progress has been done since last Canada day on the C6, so let's chin-up!!
  18. W

    new law changes from 4years to 3 years residency.

    Why sound negative?.....Let's hope we'll all be hit by a pleasant surprise and that the C6 will pass and be implemented by Canada Day 2017 :)
  19. W

    Petition to Senate Leadership to Pass Bill C-6

    Yes, I have done so... Let's hope eventually we'll all be hit by a pleasant surprise and that the C6 will pass and be implemented by Canada Day 2017 :)
  20. W

    BREAKING NEWS Bill C-6 finally passed in HoC, Now reading in Senate

    Let's hope everyone does whatever it takes so that we'll all be hit by a pleasant surprise and that the C6 will pass and be implemented by Canada Day 2017 :)