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  1. S

    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    Seems like the Warsaw office if working quickly now. Our status has changed to decision made on Friday so hopefully we will receive a passport request soon.
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    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    So just a bit of an update. We received an email saying that our application is with a visa officer. Two days later our online status was updated to Medical results have been received. So my question is once our application is approved what happens next. How quickly can we purchase plane...
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    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    We applied in late May. When I check online it says AOR on August 12 and our documents are being processed as of August 9th.
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    WARSAW TIMELINE-Join here !!

    Hey everyone, I am sponsoring my wife (Russian) and our application is processing and I am getting impatient. How long does a application take to pass the processing period?