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  1. G

    OINP Application sent in March 2016

    Hi, My AOR was received on 10 August, 2016. But there is a problem :( :( :(... My IELTS is going to expire on 20 September and i got test date for 10 September ......... Anyone has any idea about the time they take to issue nominations or how should I update them.......... I have been waiting...
  2. G

    AOR for OINP received, EE going to expire !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks a lot for your help ..... hope everything goes well......
  3. G

    AOR for OINP received, EE going to expire !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello everyone, I received AOR for my OINP application on 10 August, 2016. My Express Entry profile is going to expire on 28 September, 2016. However, my IELTS is expiring on 20 September, 2016 and I am appearing for exam on 10 September (no dates prior to this were available and I wasnt aware...