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    Getting married - somewhat unusual relationship

    Oh man, my heart does go out to you. I applaud you guys for finding each other in this crazy world, especially considering the chances you would meet a soul mate online. Now with regards to your question about sponsorship and permanent residence. I firmly believe that based on the information...
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    Looking for Advice regarding Police Clearance for out of status

    You are absolutely right and I thought so at the time time as well I did google this and also try to find legal definitions in this case and all I came up with was that whichever comes first means in a chronological timeline whichever came earlier....which in this case is ten years. Secondly...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    An OWP or Open Work Permit does not give you implied status but rather full status. It means you have full legal status to work here. As far as applying to 'extend their current residency prior to their current status expiring' it can be easily argued in a federal court that applying for PR...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    This is not true at all. If you have applied under spousal category and if CIC has acknowledged that your application for permanent residence has been received on on or before the date your work permit officially expired, you have IMPLIED status. This means that it implies that you can continue...
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    Getting married - somewhat unusual relationship

    Hello Siqz, welcome to the forum. This is a very good place for advice and you have come to the right place. First of, its good that you have acknowledged that you might have difficulties in your application because believe me, based on what you have said you definitely will have significant...
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    @amc 90 Also might be worth mentioning that you have 15 days from the date of the refusal letter to file an appeal with a judge in a federal court.
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    Hello amc90, Can you please acquire the letter from your lawyer and post what was written on it or rather the grounds of refusal? Typically a refusal letter will have the visa officer mentioning grounds of refusal as well as what law and amendment under which you have been refused. Yes you can...
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    Applying In-land while out of status - possible???

    Guys, First off its extremely important to remember that CIC or now IRCC does not make the laws in this country, but are rather bound by them. What this means is that only a federal governing body like the current Trudeau's government can pass new laws and make amendments after lengthy and...
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    Looking for Advice regarding Police Clearance for out of status

    @canuck_in_uk A PCC will be requested by CIC at a later date, perhaps a year from now. I know because I just received the same request even though I was 17 when I came here. The wording on the website for PCC requirement is ambiguous but the letter I received states the following: Police...
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    Looking for Advice regarding Police Clearance for out of status

    Yes in fact you are not required to submit any PCC from Canada for both applicant as well as sponsor. Its also mentioned somewhere on CIC's website. In the second stage of assesment, CIC does background and security checks on their own independently, where they request data from RCMP, CSIS/CSEC...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    Also just for all those applying under this spousal category, be advised there was a leaked classified document which some lawyer obtain using right to information act. It shows exactly how CIC officers asses marriage applications. Its a three page document, just google it. They have excellent...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    You must have applied outland. 54 days is the maximum amount of time it will take, they could take 30 days or even 10 if your application is clear and straightforward and there are no red flags. Best of luck!
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    Spousal sponsorship

    @flx2015 They have no way of verifying anything at all since they dont have access to bank accounts or credit card companies or even Canada Revenue Agency to see if you are filing taxes together or separate. CIC officers are just Visa issuing officers that asses your application and issue the...
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    Looking for Advice regarding Police Clearance for out of status

    I can guarantee that he will be asked for a Police Clearance Certificate from India. I came her when I was 17 as well and was still a minor when I landed and havent left since then. They just asked me two moths ago to send in my Police Clearance which I did. If you do get asked and cant obtain...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    Hey Djl, You have not offended or gone against my beliefs in any way. You are absolutely right, everyone is trying to sponsor their true loves and are under different/extenuating circumstances.......believe me I am in a similar situation and have studied the IRPA extensively as well as federal...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    @ Djl, Although I agree with your statement regarding a genuine relationship, you have to understand that CIC agents are only concerned about paperwork, not really about genuine relationship. There are so many cases about true love and relationships here that have been refused because of the...
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    Conflicting advice Inbound Sponsorship - PLEASE HELP

    Do not bother applying as common law because there is about a 70-90% chance it will be rejected and a complete waste of time for both of you. Common law is almost impossible to prove because you need a ridiculous amount of evidence.... believe me. Even then it will most definitely trigger and...
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    Spousal sponsorship

    aylar10 I can offer some good advice about this situation. First remember that CIC or currently IRCC does not make the laws in Canada, it only executes them and they are bound by the IRPA(Immigration and Refugee Protection Act) which currently does not dictate or have any legislation about how...
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    Spousal Sponsorship Interview Questionaires, Experience, Preparations

    That is ridiculous, an immigration officer is never supposed to say something like that in an interview. This indicates personal bias from her side and any federal court or law will upturn her decision as indicated in the IRPA or immigration and refugee protection act. He should have calmly...
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    Out of Status?

    I have no doubt that your relationship was/is genuine and the amount of stress and anxiousness you must have faced all this while. Yet remember that technically speaking it does not matter if relationship is genuine or not, it only matters what you can prove and what the officer believes to be...