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  1. B

    OINP 2017 Masters and PHD Stream ONLY!!-----> JOIN HERE

    When they fill out the number of spots for this year. They are distributing the spots they have in short application acceptance periods Probably so they can spread the number of spots until the rest of the year But the master stream application window that oppened in February closed in 2 days...
  2. B

    OINP 2017 Masters and PHD Stream ONLY!!-----> JOIN HERE

    Please be more specific! I have already received a nomination from Ontario Master stream PNP. I applied to Ontario Master stream PNP online, through the new process. Now I have to apply to PR through paper-based application? I thought they were gonna change it to EE... Processing time for...
  3. B

    OINP 2017 Masters and PHD Stream ONLY!!-----> JOIN HERE

    Guys, considering we now apply online for the Master Stream, are you sure the CIC PR application is still going to be paper-based and not through EE?
  4. B

    OINP 2017 Masters and PHD Stream ONLY!!-----> JOIN HERE

    Hi everyone, My status just changed to "Approved" yesterday. I completed my whole application on February 21st Timeline: February 21 - Sent March 3 - Under Assessment March 13 - Decision in Progress April 6 - Approved Thanks and good luck to all!
  5. B

    Application Returned - Simple question

    Hi everyone, I sent my application to the Ontario Nominee Program (Master's Stream) in February, but it was returned in June because they didn't really like how my Master's Degree Certificate was certified (lol). Anyway, they told me to resend the application when the program reopens. The...