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  1. J

    study permit refused so reapply?

    Hey, that letter and your letter of acceptance should be enough evidence you re a bonafide student. Include the dubai visit in your letter of explanation with plane tickets as proof. You can also book the flights to and from canada to prove u re financially able to return to ur homecountry. And...
  2. J

    study permit refused so reapply?

    Hey, I'm sorry to hear. I recently reapplied again and nothing to do but wait. Ok so basically you have to show the officer you are not intending to stay in canada, that you are really attached to the people living in your homecountry and will miss them dearly etc. If someone in your family or...
  3. J

    study permit refused so reapply?

    Hi thanks for replying! I've been told a lot that the chance for visa acceptance is low and i'm aware of that. So long as it's possible, I'm giving it a shot (I really wanna study in Uottawa this year :( )Can you tell me what did you mean by deadline in a few minutes? What deadline? And yes i...
  4. J

    study permit refused so reapply?

    Thanks for the reply I forgot to mention the university sent me an email granting me the chance to arrive 2 weeks late. I believe I can include that email in the SOP. My last visa lasted 46 days and I made my decisions using that processing time more or less and it turned out the visa can be...
  5. J

    study permit refused so reapply?

    Hello everyone I'm Iraqi and I live in the UAE. I applied for study permit in Canada for 4 years of my undergraduate studies in uottawa, but got refused recently. I'm thinking of reapplying. The refusal reasons mentioned were: "travel history" (I ve only recently visited Iraq once and also...