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    Common Law Sponsorship

    I was pregnant during my application preparation time, and I didn't want to go through a chest x-ray during my pregnancy, so no. They haven't requested it either yet. I'll wait until they do.
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    USA Background Check

    When they ask for a "police certificate" do they want it from Canada as well for inland applicants if spent more than 6 months in Canada?
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    Common Law Sponsorship

    I also included my OWP application with my PR Inland application as common law partners. I received my OWP in February 2017 which was 4 months after they've received my whole package in October, 2016. They did ask for a police certificate just 2 days ago. Haven't heard anything else about...
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    Help with time!

    Thank you very much!
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    Police Certificate Question

    Hi Guys, I'm confused about the letter I received asking for Police certificate. Letter states: Police Certificate(s) The principal applicant (and all family members 18 years or older) is required to submit a police certificate(s) from the: • The country where you have spent most of your...
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    Help with time!

    CIC e-mailed me asking for an FBI Police Certificate (Identity History Summary) giving me exactly 60 days to respond. I sent a request to get one today and the FBI web page is telling me that it's going to take 14 weeks, excluding mailing time, to be completed. Question is how can I get more...
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    Police certificate help.

    Hi guys, I need advice. CIC received my Inland common law family sponsorship application on 8th of October, 2016. I got my OWP in March 2017. I just got a letter requesting Police Certificate yesterday. I am assuming they want it from the USA as I've spent more than 6 months there. It was my...