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  1. K

    ***Declaration of Severance of Common-law Relationship*** SPOUSE APPLICATION

    Hi Scylla, Thank you again for your response. I just want to clear myself that I am not impatient. That's why I replied to your response that it was fast. I didn't know that it's not polite to post same question on another thread, to be honest. I just saw that thread for outland spouse...
  2. K

    ***Declaration of Severance of Common-law Relationship*** SPOUSE APPLICATION

    Hi Nara, I didn't know that it's not allowed or not nice to post same question twice or on other thread that I feel like relevant to my concern and may get help from the experts. Not everybody will read all the threads here and I was hoping I would get advise on my situation not advise on what...
  3. K

    ***Declaration of Severance of Common-law Relationship*** SPOUSE APPLICATION

    Sorry, I have a follow up question. If my marriage certificate and tax declaration that I filed in 2014 as single would not suffice do I need to contact my ex for the declaration? Or just have it declared and notarized? Thanks!
  4. K

    ***Declaration of Severance of Common-law Relationship*** SPOUSE APPLICATION

    Hi Scylla, I was surprised I got an immediate response. Thank You! That helps a lot :)
  5. K


    Hello! I am actually not new in this forum but had to create a new account that's why it's kinda new :-P It's been awhile since I last visited and read posts here. I am hoping I can get a reply or advise on my situation. I was sponsored under conjugal in 2009, landed in 2011 June and and in a...
  6. K

    ***Declaration of Severance of Common-law Relationship*** SPOUSE APPLICATION

    Hello! I am actually not new in this forum but had to create a new account that's why it's kinda new :-P It's been awhile since I last visited and read posts here. I am hoping I can get a reply or advise on my situation. I was sponsored under conjugal in 2009, landed in 2011 June and and in a...