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  1. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    Still I don't know what is my result?????? Exam date: 5th March ...... :o
  2. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    No......have u got ur result?????
  3. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    No.....it might take another 3 months.....
  4. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    Thanks for share this email address ..... How long before did you send email to Cambridge?????
  5. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    Congratulation naveen......but I m not sure why they did withheld your score??????... Your result is perfect...... There is no reason behind withheld your score.....not that much band score gap.....any way best of good luck and pray for us......
  6. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    Hi naveen, loutitta, savvy, svetulchi ...Any update guys...... So far I knew that all investigation has been already done.....now it's time to get dicision whether they will do release our result or pemanent withheld......
  7. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    We need a final dicision from Cambridge.....we don't want pending dicision . Because We can't do wait anymore...... We did good exam and we deserve good score. They should release our result.......now it's more than 3 months over.....
  8. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    Still Lots of student are waiting for 5 March result....same case in here..... They said second time how can it possible to get very good score.... They don't trust us.... Now it's totally depand on luck..... Bt just base of guess Cambridge try to do permanent withheld our score.....my point of...
  9. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    Hi naveen was it your 1st attempt or 2nd attempt??????
  10. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    My friend savyy I think so we will get this score soon......savyy,svetulchi,Loulitta we all in a same condition......just have to wait for another 1 weeks......
  11. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    So far we all know tht, it is the last day of ending 3 months. According to their rules if they exceed this dead line, unfortunately it will be them who will break the rules.... & we will be the sufferers. If any respected teachers or authorities sees my status at this moment.... Pls pls show...
  12. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    My dear friends savyy,svetulchi,Loulitta is their any update about 5th march Result... >:(??
  13. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    Still there is no update :( .....according to rules 3rd June is the dead line to release the grade of 5th March exam ..... But still not sure....... :( kindly share if you have any update news regarding 5th March IELTS....... Thank you in advance.
  14. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    As we are waiting for a long time.....it is very important week for us.....hopefully we will get the result at the end of this week.... Please guys pray for us.......
  15. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    Eirevir congratulations...... I am really happy to see your result..... :) best of good luck and please pray for us.....
  16. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    My dear friends savyy,svetulchi,eirveir, is their any update about 5th march Result...?????
  17. J

    IELTS test result withheld...!!

    Inshaaallah, I expected everybody will get positive decision...........I think Cambridge/IDP will not do misjudge with us ......Because of some of them are really waiting near about 3 months...... We are passing very tough time...........