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  1. M

    SINP January 2017

    Hi All Can someone please let me know how many points are required to be eligible for SINP I understand that we atleast need to have 400 points to be eligible for ON provincial nomination similary can someone please tell me how much is required for sesketchwan
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    Dear All Need urgent advice I would like to know what is the criteria for saskatchewan...what is the criteria for Provincial Nomination.....how many points one should have to be eligibale for provincial nomination Is the saskatchewan nomination open or is it on hold like Onatrio Please help
  3. M

    Need advice..Please help

    Dear All Need urgent advice I would like to know what is the criteria for saskatchewan...what is the criteria for Provincial Nomination.....how many points one should have to be eligibale for provincial nomination Is the saskatchewan nomination open or is it on hold like Onatrio Please help
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    If the RO is met. within how many days PRTD should be applied

    Dear All I have a quick question. If i meet the RO of two years and at the time of PR renewal If I am out of country. within how many days i need to apply for the PRTD after the PR card is expired In my case i met the RO..i am planning to leave the country now... not sure when I will...
  5. M

    Need Urgent advise please

    Dear All i just had a question. I completed my landing yesterday. during the landing i did not declare my daughter as a dependant as she is canadian citizen. will that be an issue in the future as misrepresentation of information. I had earlier informed the immigration department when my file...
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    LANDING IN CANADA ??? -All You Need To Know.

    can somebody please answer this....i am in Toronto and dependants are in India....can I as principal applicant do the landing first at the CAN-US border and then can my dependents do it later while returning from India....can they do it on thier own or do i need to be present as well
  7. M


    Hi apardhamija....i have been looking for a good consultant can you please message me his details plzz