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Search results

  1. L

    IEC Health insurance - special case

    Hi guys, I know health insurance requirements for IEC have been discussed a million times. However, I can't find an answer to my specific case and I would very much like to not spend money on insurance if I don't have to. As we know, the rules for insurance are: Your insurance must cover...
  2. L

    Employer made mistake in application IEC

    Hey guys, Wanted to open a new topic because it's not related to my previous question and a search didn't give me an answer My employer entered the wrong start and end date which will complicate things quite a bit. Does anyone know how we can fix this? I received the offer of employment number...
  3. L

    From Working Holiday to Young Proffesional

    Ha! I just got an email from IEC saying the same thing! Not sure why I couldn't find this before! Thanks :) PMM I'm gonna guess company benefits don't count as insurance so I will try to find a super cheap option (Thanks Gregor).
  4. L

    From Working Holiday to Young Proffesional

    With my WH they were vicious! But maybe the letter thing might work! Thanks for thinking with me :).
  5. L

    From Working Holiday to Young Proffesional

    Anyone got any ideas :)? I know it's a bit of a weird scenario so I don't expect a lot of people to have had the same problem but I can't be the only one right haha?
  6. L

    From Working Holiday to Young Proffesional

    Hey guys, I've been trying to find an answer but no luck so far! I hope you might be able to help me :). My current WH visa expires March 30 2017, and I received an invite for the YP this week. I currently have OHIP through my job, but this expires the same day as my WH visa (March 30 2017)...
  7. L

    From Working holiday to young professional

    Anyone knows :)?
  8. L

    From Working holiday to young professional

    Hello everyone! I am currently in Canada on a WH visum and would like to extent my stay next year by using a YP visum (I can do both 1 time for my country). Now my question is: If I get a 2 year contract (1 year for my WH and 1 year for my YP), can I apply for YP the moment I'm hired, and...