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    FILIPINO NURSES applying for CNO REGISTRATION ONLY - English and Tagalog posts

    Dear Peeps, If anyone of you or someone you know might need a Saudi PCC, I can help. Just hit me up with a message.
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    For PINOY: About Express Entry Application. Share your idea!

    Off Topic: Hi, folks! If you or anyone you know might need PCC from Saudi Arabia, just send me a message. May experience ako (being here in Riyadh) kung papaano makakuha ng police clearance nang mabilis with guarantee of receipt as per agreement. Thanks.
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    Saudi PCC Inquiry

    Wolverine, you can add me on facebook. Tony Malaluan (propic: with headset ;))
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    Saudi PCC Inquiry

    Audrey, if you are a Filipino and might need a fresh Saudi PCC later, I can be of help in securing it IF you do not have anyone else to represent you here. I'm a Filipino based in Riyadh and have some experience in doing clearances like that...
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    Police Certificate: When to apply exactly? Confused...

    Hi, folks! If one of the five countries you have lived in happens to be Saudi Arabia, and that you're a Filipino needing help, please let me know. I'm a Filipino currently working in Riyadh and have had experience in securing SPCC in recent months done for compatriots working in/applying for...
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    need help related police Clarence certificate

    If you or any of your friends needs to secure Saudi Police Clearance (from another country), please get in touch. I'm currently employed in Riyadh and willing to be your rep.