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  1. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Yea I'm guessing it was scanning the passport to verify PR that triggered the email. Also it was the middle of the night and he probably would have had to jump through some serious hoops to turn me around. I'm guessing my US passport helps in the situation. Anyway, I have my PR card now, so it's...
  2. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I boarded in Philly where they just checked my passport. I didn't show them my CoPR, I didn't think they needed to see it. It was just an airport worker checking passports. The first border agent to check my passport was in the Halifax airport where I landed and he didn't seem to care at all...
  3. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Hi guys, I recently flew back into Canada after US Thanksgiving with just my COPR and passport, and had no problems at all. I told them I hadn't received my PR card in the mail yet and they let me right in. But today, I got an email from IRCC stating this, among other things, "Our records show...
  4. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Reading back over that part of the checklist, I'm a bit confused now too but I'm pretty sure that's where I put our declaration of common law form. (You can find that form online and get it notarized and that is your official proof of your relationship). That form gives you the space to say when...
  5. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    PR card question: When I did my landing, they gave me a form that said it would take about 3 weeks to get my card in the mail, but the officer told me it would probably be closer to 5 weeks. Did anyone get theirs in 3 weeks time? I'm more than likely traveling back to the states for US...
  6. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Sounds exactly like my experience. (Except I said I had been detained but charges were dropped, showed dismissal paper, he asked if I sent that with my application, I said yes, and that was it). So glad it's all over for you! Happy Canada living!
  7. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I know the feeling, I alternated crying and laughing for a solid hour when I found out! Now to land and start your lives!
  8. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Happened to be sitting at my computer and when I saw the email that you had posted, I KNEW IT! YESSSSS doesn't it feel so so good? I'm so happy for you, my online stranger friend!!! The stress and wait is OVER!
  9. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    That's pretty much all I sent for me and my boyfriend. I also photocopied the passport pages where we traveled together so maybe you could send the pages with the stamps that you have from visiting each other. Definitely send proof of the bank account. I sent our chat log from OKCupid where we...
  10. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    When I saw someone who applied 20 days after me go through and then I didn't get approved until 3 weeks after her, in those three weeks I thought it was the end. I thought I was getting denied. I know it's so hard to put it out of your mind, but you have no red flags so you'll more than likely...
  11. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Just wanted to stop by and say thanks to everyone that helped with my questions along the way. I landed this morning, drove two minutes down the road to the nearest Service Canada and got my SIN, and going this week to get a health card. I didn't stop smiling the 5 hour drive home :) Speedy...
  12. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Landing questions: I know I need the goods declaration form, but I've been temporarily residing in Canada for a while now so I won't be bringing anything in. Do I still bring two filled out but blank copies? And the car I'll be driving is from the US but was officially imported last year, would...
  13. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I think you're probably good on the chat log/photo end of it, I would just consider sending any legal things you have that prove it too. Like leases, insurance policies, bank accounts and the like. And thanks for the good wishes on landing! I just keep looking at my CoPR and getting excited to...
  14. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Oh whew, thank you. Doing my landing on Monday!
  15. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Alright, new question for you guys: just got my CoPR in the mail and under conditions it says must live with sponsor for 2 years then in bold it says "ever been charged/convicted of a crime in any country and refused entry into Canada?" I do have an arrest, charges dismissed, I sent proof of...
  16. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    What CDNPR said... I filed almost two months before you and JUST got approved. It took a whopping 83 days to get SA, then less than a week to get a doc request, then another month before I got approved. There were people that filed a month after me that got approved over a month before me. So...
  17. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Insurance policies claiming each other is a good one (if you have it, which we didn't.) This is specifically for common law, but works for marriage too, it's what I got in my additional doc request: Client Information: Please submit documents proving your ongoing cohabitation with your sponsor...
  18. ryanntheredhead

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    I've read that US applicants don't get looked into too too hard for relationship proof compared to non visa exempt countries. Correct me if I'm wrong, though. I didn't send anywhere near as much proof as the last poster and I'm only common law, JUST passing the two year mark when my application...
  19. ryanntheredhead


    Oh that one...a long time haha. Obviously the longest part is gathering all the info, especially because I found I would get two forms done, start back up on them the next day then find I did something wrong or my info was changed (like an old address or the form wasn't the newest one which I...
  20. ryanntheredhead


    The rehab application is much shorter than the sponsorship one. You need a detailed description of the law that was broken (I googled the code next to my charge and printed out the whole US law describing it from a website), the state clearance and a few forms I think. The most stressful part of...