Please update my tracker. My citizenship ceremony has been finally updated to be on July 13!
Does anyone know what time the ceremony usually happens at? Trying to figure out if I need to take the day off work or not. Thanks
My tracker is weird too:
June 13 - Scheduled for Citizenship oath
Citizenship ceremony
Congratulations! You've been scheduled to attend your citizenship ceremony on June 13, 2022. Follow the instructions you will receive in your ceremony invitation.
June 23 -
Prohibitions activity status...
Please update the tracker:
Language skills - Completed June 23, 2022
Physical presence - Completed June 23, 2022
Prohibitions - Completed June 23, 2022
Citizenship Ceremony- Not Started
Thanks! I just read the book once, watched about 100 questions in the YouTube video of 404 Citizenship test questions, and I used some of the Apps on my phone to do the sample tests. When I was getting consistently 17-20 questions right, I just did the real test.
I have a window of April 18- May 8 for my test. I haven't studied yet but am supper worried about it. I have always struggled with history in school, my worst nightmare kind of subject. Anytime I read anything history based my brain doesn't seem to register what I am reading even if I read it...
Hi, on my CAS site the Updated date still says October 26, 2021. Does that mean that nobody has even done anything on it since then or is something wrong with the site? Should I try to contact someone or do others have similar experience?
Application type: Online
Location: Winnipeg, MB
Physical presence:1149 days
Application: Single
Application sent: August 18, 2021
Application received: August 18, 2021
AOR received: October 25, 2021
ECAS In Progress: October 26, 2021