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  1. S

    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Hi Benefit for involving your MP is CIC replies them in spur of moment and they can have easy access to information for your case.
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office If any of the members have missed on notice i am copying from website just to pray that system actually comes to fast track specially for those who are waiting for family reunification including myself. Notice – Government...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Its Outland Technically if you look it says where are you applying from papers were submitted in Canada from Canada do you still think i should put as Pakistan Can we have some other peoples in put as well but for sure i Am going to...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Question for FLX2015 When you check application process times it ask for three questions. What are you applying for? (required) Who are you sponsoring? (required) Where are you applying from? (required) First two questions...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office hello everyone aslamaualikum I have quick question about driving licensee i am going to Montreal QC on spouse visa in July i have 4 years Pakistani driving licences from here as I am living in Islamabad now do i need to verify my...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office I would advise all spousal sponsor who are in Canada contact your MP for your case updates and the way to contact is via website put in the area code and it will give your MP website: www.lop.parl.gc.ca MP Office takes 3 to 8...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office All Senior Members Put a light on the following it would be helpful for all. 1) If your spousal application is submitted from Canada time period is 17 months. 2) If your spousal application is submitted from Pakistan time period...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Any idea how long MP office takes to reply to your email
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Haq Ali I have contacted my MP today i can get back to you once they reply to my email.
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Question from lilypad. what kind of jobs can you get when you land in canada? Reply to this: Most of paki immigrants start with security job and then move to cab driving and studying here. Remember everything here requires license so...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office The question was posted by MMOIN. Hi All, I have a few questions:- -I am gathering all documents for my application. Do I have to get my Bachelor's Degree attested from my college? It was in the UK in my case. -Secondly, how long can...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office QUESTION TO ASAD. KINDLY HAVE A LOOK TO MY SITUATION AND SEE IF YOU CAN REPLY application received in Mississauga: January 20,2016 sponsor approval: March 10, 2016 are you sponsor or applicant: Sponsor sponsor is Canadian Citizen...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office it was high quality digital license which was introduced in 2014. Bottom line trust me i have experience of of two provinces Winnipeg Manitoba and Mississauga Ontario that DSP letter is worth nothing i have at least 10 to 15 families...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Let me add to what you have written. To be honest DSP Office letter has zero value i actually had it and it did not worked.
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Snowy 2015 put this reply which has another question. Hey thank you for the quick response. What if I don't have 3 years of experience? My husband is going to land in Quebec, but I am pretty sure it is almost the same process. Reply...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Naveed Ali posted this question: Do i need to get Original Nikah Namma and translation verified from foreign office as well? And also copies of my educational documents? Reply to this question: Your Nikah Namma needs to be...
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Re: SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office Hi It is very simple process if you have driver license in Pakistan the digital one make sure you have at least 3 years of driver experience on it check date issue and count three years experience. Once you will land in Canada send a...