I applied Aug 2015, got file number in a week, verification
call to company on Mar 14 and now waiting....
I called AINP and been told still in process ...
How long it can take?? Any idea??
I applied Aug. 20 2016
File number: Aug 24 2016
Got call from AINP to verify my status to my employer two days ago
NOC 7511 long haul truck driver
Hopefully AINP nomination soon :)!
As of February 8, 2016:
Nomination certificates issued in 2016
Applications awaiting assessment to
determine eligibility for nomination
Over 400
Over 5,200
I applied Aug 2015 under EDS, got file number in five days.
Now is just waiting..... Wondering if there is any way we can
trac our application status???
Thank you and good luck to all !!