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  1. R

    Document Check List FSW

    Hi All! Is anybody able to copy/paste the checklist of what needs to be uploaded when accepting the ITA? thanks!!
  2. R

    Passport Expiration

    Hi all, this forum is outstanding! when accepting ITA, is there any expiration requirement for my passport? does it have to be good for x months or something like that? if application is accepted, can I use a new passport when entering? maybe in combination with my old passport with the visa...
  3. R

    If I accept ITA how long do I have to submit the documents?

    if my passport expire October 2016, and I get a new passport before October 2016 with a new expiration, Can I use the new passport when entering? or it has to be the passport I sent?
  4. R

    Should I accept ITA even if I am missing documents?

    you are right :-[. when I decline, will I automatically go back to the pool or I have to do my profile from zero?
  5. R

    Dec 18th ITA Connect HERE!!!! (23rd draw)

    Count me in, although I think I will have to decline for not having ready FBI and updated ECA. Can you guys paste the list of requirements after you accepted the invitation? thanks =)
  6. R

    If I accept ITA how long do I have to submit the documents?

    Please help me with these questions: 1.If I accept the ITA, how long time I will have to submit all the documents? 2.If the application is approved, how long time will I have until it expires? say I get the approval June 30th 2016, how far can I arrive in Canada? Do I have to move right away...
  7. R

    Should I accept ITA even if I am missing documents?

    Hello all, I received my ITA December18 2015, however, I am not sure whether to accept it or not because I don't have all the documents ready. I am missing the ECA update with my latest diploma (earned in December 2015) which I immediately update in the system and that is probably why I got the...