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  1. K

    Open work permit 5710 question

    Can anyone confirm that for an open work permit application submitted along with the inland spousal sponsorship we can put N/A in question 2 to 6 that ask for employers details and LMIA etc? Also do we have to have a notary sign the stat dec for common law union for the open work permit...
  2. K

    Fees for inland common law sponsorship and open work permit - pilot project

    We are about to pay our fees for the inland common-law perm res. application along with the open work permit fees under the pilot project. It's a bit confusing, can someone confirm the fee amounts? Family sponsorship: 75 plus 475 principal applicant plus 550 for family member over 19 or is that...
  3. K

    Open work permit IMM5710

    If you are on a working holiday visa and applying for an open work permit under the inland spousal sponsorship, which boxes do we tick off on question 2? Just the initial work permit or work permit with a new employer? Or Temporary resident permit as well? The guide doesn't offer any...
  4. K


    Kid - thank you for this. For the inland OWP the 30 day rule is strict tho right? Just if we are applying for a VP it can be anytime before expiry?
  5. K

    EI benefits while waiting for work permit- illegal?

    Hi job originally was going to do the LMIA then they backed out last minute, we are applying inland because we don't want to run the risk of having to do an interview in Sweden when we live here and waiting 4 months for the OWP isn't too bad, don't mind waiting 2 years for the perm res. After...
  6. K

    Implied status under pilot project for OWP

    Okay good to know, wow that guy was lucky I guess, not worth the risk though. Thanks all.
  7. K

    Implied status under pilot project for OWP

    That's what I thought too, that working holiday visas definitely don't get implied status, but then I talked to a guy in Montreal whos partner did the exact same thing and worked with no problems for 4 months till he got the OWP. He said under the pilot project since Dec 22 2014 working holiday...
  8. K

    Implied status under pilot project for OWP

    Can you please clarify something for me, with the working holiday visas they do get implied status for an inland application with the OWP right?
  9. K

    EI benefits while waiting for work permit- illegal?

    Oh right that's true thanks. I recently found out that he is eligible for implied status under the pilot project OWP so he is able to work which is great, might be able to keep his current job. He's from Sweden.
  10. K

    Sponsorship Evaluation Form 5481 help

    Okay thanks, do you know if i should I claim the student loan money anywhere or leave it out completely?
  11. K

    Declaration of severance of common-law relationship

    I think so too thanks, it's not on my document checklist so I'm leaving it out!
  12. K

    Sponsorship Evaluation Form 5481 help

    For net personal income, does student loan money count as income? I've been a student for year and that's the only income I've had.I am including printouts from StudentAid BC with the disbursement amounts. Also for question 4 and 5 if I read it correctly "yourself" and "current undertaking" is...
  13. K

    Declaration of severance of common-law relationship

    On that note, did anyone fill out the Statutory Declaration of Common Law Union? It's an official form on the CIC website, but it's not on the Document checklist. There is no reason to complete this form as well right? (this one does require a notary signature)
  14. K

    Declaration of severance of common-law relationship

    I can't access that form when I go to the link for some reason... okay thank you both for your help with this! Maybe I'll find a form online instead of a letter but not notarize it just sign it.
  15. K


    Great first post thanks so much for all that info!! Some of the links don't work though and I'd really like to read them. Can you please clarify something for me, with the working holiday visas they do not get implied status for an inland application even if we apply for the OWP right? My...
  16. K

    Declaration of severance of common-law relationship

    My previous partner and I bought a house and I filed common law on my taxes a couple times, so I'll make sure the dates I put in the letter line up with what Canada revenue agency has on file. So much easier to write a letter if it doesn't have to be a legal notarized document or a formal...
  17. K

    Declaration of severance of common-law relationship

    There are no available CIC forms for this, but it's on the list so I'm worried about what to submit for it, if I was in a past common-law relationship do I have to write a letter and have it notarized or find a template for this online and make our own form? Is it imperative that we have it...
  18. K

    Paris...just want to say you are in our hearts

    You are 100% right but you can't blame the inattention to tragedies outside of western countries on people, blame it on the media who give no attention to atrocities in other places, Africa is a prime example. What happened in Lebanon and many other places is more than worthy to mention, but...
  19. K

    EI benefits while waiting for work permit- illegal?

    Here's a random question, is it illegal to be on EI benefits while in Canada and waiting for your open work permit to be issued? He has enough hours to quality for benefits, but his current work permit expires Jan 2016 and new one will take up to 4 months. If he gets laid off and applies for EI...