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  1. O

    PR Card (New/Renewal) Processing Timeline 2021

    Just adding my experience. Sent renewal application for my son and I in May in the same envelope. Received 19th May AoR 13 September My application went to DM in 2-3 days and I received my card end September. Son’s application is ‘in process’. Sent a web form inquiry received an email that...
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    PR Card Renewal - Travel History Question

    Hi everyone, Hope you're all keeping safe. I'm about to apply for my PR Card Renewal and had a travel history question that I could not find an answer to in other threads. I landed in Canada in 2016, but went back to my country of residence after landing. I only started living in Canada from...
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    Potential PPR / Passport Issue - Seniors, please help

    Friends, I'd be very grateful for your help with this issue! - I received my AOR 6 October and my passport expires end March 2016. My category is FSW Outland. - I live abroad and my embassy in this country does not issue machine readable passports; I will need to go back home to get my passport...
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    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    ITA received: 21-08-2015 App submitted: 06-10-2015 AOR: 06-10-2015 Application status : Open Review of Eligibility: Review in Progress Medicals Passed: 09-10-2015 FSW Outland
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    Rejection for Photo

    Thank you both!
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    Rejection for Photo

    Hi Friends, Submitted my PR application last night and only just realised that the quality requirements (pixel dimension) for the digital photos I'd uploaded were just slightly below CICs requirements. Has anyone experienced any issues with this in their applications and could this lead to an...
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    emedical information sheet - photo?

    After spending hours going through these forums, I honestly don't think there's one correct category...
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    emedical information sheet - photo?

    Whew. Thanks! Load off my chest. Yep, went to Fullerton; it's the only place in Singapore i think. Too waay longer than I expected. 3 hours for everything. By any chance, have you gone through the process of obtaining the Singapore PC?
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    emedical information sheet - photo?

    All, hi. I went for my upfront medical today in Singapore (have received ITA for FSW) and obtained the emedical information sheet I am meant to upload along with my PR application. They took my picture, but the printout doesn't contain it; just has an empty box which says 'photo to be...
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    Relative in Canada EE profile

    Hi, Just wanted to check if you ever managed to get this resolved? I'm facing the same issue: spouse has parents living in canada who are PRs, but the question asking whether she has relatives who are PRs doesn't come up in her section and I don't get any field to upload proof in the document...
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    Proof of Relationship

    Thanks! It's quite bizarre, the question asking whether my spouse has relatives who are Canadian PRs/ Citizens doesn't even come up in her section of the form; just shows up in mine. Gone through the whole thing at least 5 times now!
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    Proof of Relationship

    All, hi. I'm having a bit of an issue with my document checklist and was wondering is someone could help please! I'm the principal applicant and in the EE application, I indicated that my spouse has parents who are Canadian PRs. I wasn't asked whether my spouse has any relatives who are...
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    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    Hi All, I'm in the process of filling out my PR Application and had two strange questions I was hoping someone cold help with please! 1) I have a BSc in Economics and I'm not sure if I should mark this down as "Science, General" or as "Arts (Humanities/ Social Sciences)"? I'd marked down...
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    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    AWESOME. Thanks so much! :) :)
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    Express Entry Step by step instructions.

    All, hi. I have a bit of strange glitch with my PR application and was hoping someone could help. Essentially, under the "Official Languages" section, I mark down that I can communicate in English, but then the question I get is "Has [Name] taken an approved language test to assess their...