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  1. L

    Applying for citizenship after 3.5 years of PR.

    Thank you. yes that is clear. Just wasn't totally sure if we needed to be PR for at least 5 years before applying. Thanks again!
  2. L

    Applying for citizenship after 3.5 years of PR.

    Hi, I wanted to make sure that applying for citizenship is possible after 3.5 years of being a PR. I meet the eligibility regarding the number of days in Canada (3 out of 5 years) But I was a little confused about the wording. Do we have to wait at least 5 years and then they look at the 3...
  3. L

    can I apply for a travel document before I leave on vacation?

    Thank you for the help and explanations everyone!
  4. L

    can I apply for a travel document before I leave on vacation?

    When you are checking into the flight, I dont think airlines have a way of seeing whether or not you have an eTA. I believe this is something that will come up when you attempt to enter the country at the airport.
  5. L

    can I apply for a travel document before I leave on vacation?

    how do the airlines know you're not just a visitor? So you would have no PR card. I ask because I've never been asked to show anything other than my passport.
  6. L

    How long does it take to obtain a travel document? Enter with visa exempt PP?

    If the airline doesn't ask for the travel document, and I am able to board the plane, would the border services let me in?
  7. L

    How long does it take to obtain a travel document? Enter with visa exempt PP?

    ok I understand. CIC really screwed up my PR card and its taken over 6 months already. I will be leaving to Israel for a couple weeks, is that enough time to actually get the travel document? Would you know how long these applications usually take to process?
  8. L

    can I apply for a travel document before I leave on vacation?

    So I will need to prepare the application package and send it to the Embassy in Israel only after I arrive? How long does it take to process? I will only be there a couple weeks. If I am returning to Canada with a visa exempt passport, and I have my COPR, would that be enough?
  9. L

    can I apply for a travel document before I leave on vacation?

    Do I have to apply for the travel document at my destination? Or can I do it before I leave? My PR card is still being processed and I need to leave in a few weeks. I am worried it wont arrive by then. Can I just enter in with my visa exempt passport? any help please.
  10. L

    How long does it take to obtain a travel document? Enter with visa exempt PP?

    Hi, I will be travelling to Israel and I might need to obtain a travel document. Can somebody please tell me how long that usually takes? I assume it should only take a day, but can someone explain? Also, if I have a visa exempt passport, and I already have the eTA, can I just enter back in...
  11. L

    Changing address using IRCC form`

    I am trying to update my mailing address for too long already, and its extremely frustrating for something so simple to take so long! First, I tried it through the website using ECAS service, but it didn't work for some magical reason they refuse to explain, so they told me to use the IRCC web...
  12. L

    Still waiting for PR card. Need to travel to US. What are my options?

    THank you. Can you explain why you mention Nov 9? Is there something specific with that date?
  13. L

    Still waiting for PR card. Need to travel to US. What are my options?

    I landed back in May and still haven't received the PR card. I didn't get any email or communication since I landed. I decided to call them and they said they need new photos. They said they sent an email, but I didn't get anything/they didn't send the email! So now, I am paying for their...
  14. L

    Left Canada 5 years ago, coming back soon. Do I still have a credit score?

    Hi, I am looking for an apartment to rent, and they are all asking me for my credit score. I have to pay to get this? Or can they just check themselves? Also, one of the agents told me that if I have been out of Canada for 5 years, that I would have no credit score....is this true? thanks,
  15. L

    Shipping by sea or air?

    my question was more about if shipping by air, would customs accept such large packages? UPS said they dont ship packages that large by air for the reason that they wont accept it at customs.
  16. L

    Shipping by sea or air?

    Hi, We are going to moving to Canada in a few months have a few boxes we want to ship over. I know about the list of belonging that will be coming after us, that we need to show to the border officer when we land. My question: Is it better to ship by air or sea? I called UPS and they said...
  17. L

    TEL AVIV-2015 Outland Spousal Sponsorship Applicants

    WE RECEIVED COPR! :D :D :D :D Sent in copy of passport, they called us the next day to say it was ready. The whole process took 5 months instead of the 9+ they indicate on the website. Thanks for the help from everyone!
  18. L

    TEL AVIV-2015 Outland Spousal Sponsorship Applicants

    I dont know. Maybe someone else on the boards has the answer. But I think the best option would be to call, or go, to the Canadian embassy here and find out.
  19. L

    TEL AVIV-2015 Outland Spousal Sponsorship Applicants

    Are you the sponsor? Is the person you are sponsoring Israeli?
  20. L

    TEL AVIV-2015 Outland Spousal Sponsorship Applicants

    when we did it, it was around 1200 shekel. Do the upfront, so you don't need to do it later. But do it when you are in the process of getting your application ready. It expires (forgot how long you have)