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    Got our Sponsor Approval August 30, 2016 and It is transferred to Sao Paulo. Status on ECAS is "In Process" and showing the following: 1) We received your application for permanent residence on July 19, 2016. 2) Medical results have been received. What should we expect next? If...
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    Hi, this is for both of you and Goldman.. Ours says: 1) We received your application for permanent residence on July 19, 2016. 2) Medical results have been received. However, we haven't received any mail or email whatsoever. Also it only says "Application Received" on the status. It...
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    We should have gotten our AOR1 (Acknowledgement of Receipt)by now... But we haven't We should have gotten our SA by now as well (by now). :-[ :-[ :-[ :'( :'( :'( Everyone's getting theirs.. And not update at all.. All I'm seeing is that it is "Application Received" in the status. and...
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    Hi, I sent my wife's application and it says on the Canada post tracking that it was received July 17, 2016 (which was sent with signature requirement). I haven't received any email or mail back. It says on ECAS 1) We received your application for permanent residence on July 19, 2016...
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    Canadian Citizen marrying a Brazilian/foreigner in British Columbia Canada.

    Hi, Just wondering what the process regarding to Marriage record search. I understand the process on obtaining the Marriage license in British Columbia but however, I am not sure whether we both need a GENEALOGICAL SEARCH OF MARITAL RECORDS. Would she need a marital search record in Brazil and...
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    Foreigner marrying a Canadian in Canadian soil?

    Hi, I am a Canadian and my soon to be is from Brazil. She got her Tourist Visa, Airplane ticket and such already. Now, I am wondering what is the requirement or legalization process to get married in Canada? I live in British Columbia and all I was told is that all we needed was a marriage...
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    How do I sponsor my (soon to be wife) from Brazil to Canada?

    Great!! thank you. I just wanted to confirm that
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    How do I sponsor my (soon to be wife) from Brazil to Canada?

    So even if we specifically say "We have omitted the plans of marriage in Canada during the initial application of her tourist visa because we didn't have a specific plan or formal engagement. Although instead, we had both our family's blessings for the initial and essential part of our marriage...
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    How do I sponsor my (soon to be wife) from Brazil to Canada?

    Hi thank you for your reply, yeah that make sense. Can you tell a little more about 2 months for the sponsor and 5 months for applicants? (Again, this is my first time doing this.. I have to research more but if you can elaborate on this it would be much of help thank you!!)
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    How do I sponsor my (soon to be wife) from Brazil to Canada?

    Hi, Thank you for your reply and that really helped. I'm referring to the risk of having not specify the marriage plans in her tourist visa upon coming to Canada and etc and sponsoring after marriage whether or not CIC would be fishy about this and whatnot. Also, I am referring to a civil...
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    How do I sponsor my (soon to be wife) from Brazil to Canada?

    Hi, Back story short we have been together for 2 years and we met in the USA for an event we both were involved in. And ever since we have been in a long distance relationship. I had the chance to meet her family and meet the Brazilian culture/touring last year 2014 (got my Brazilian tourist...
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    How do I sponsor my (soon to be) wife from Brazil?

    Hi, I'm currently stuck in a similar situation. Back story short we have been together for 2 years and we met in the USA for an event we both were involved in. And ever since we have been in a long distance relationship. I had the chance to meet her family last year 2014 (got my Brazilian...