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  1. azhevzhyk

    Passport requested for TRV, how long does it take to send and receive.

    when did you apply? im sending my TRV docs tomorrow and have a vacation booked for dec 10......... hope receive my passport back before then!
  2. azhevzhyk

    There is no any comment on GCMS

    It also could be a good sign... Maybe there are no issues with your application so they don't have to make notes saying we need to double check this and that, this seems to be sketchy etc...... I send request for notes on May 30 and hope to receive them soon, and Im September applicant so I may...
  3. azhevzhyk

    Implied status question!

    HI, Yeah I actually sent papers yesterday to immigration office to extend my stay with letter explaining the situation. Never had issues with immigration office and can't see why they would reject my CEC application. It is very frustrating to wait but I also can understand CIC and the amount of...
  4. azhevzhyk

    September 2014 - CEC Applications

    I also wanna join the club!!!!! Admin please add me! :) NOC: 1224 File Sent On: September 9, 2014 Received on: September 11, 2014 Country of residence: Canada Country of origin: Ukraine visa office requested: Sydney Payment method: Credit Card Payment cashed: November 21, 2014 File number...
  5. azhevzhyk

    Implied status question!

    Yeah I cant do that.. Unfortunately. We were supposed to go to our friend's wedding in Boston in July, but because of my "situation" I cant leave Canada without any papers. Hope CIC will rush and get everything organized. Can not even image how many applications they have to process :(
  6. azhevzhyk

    Implied status question!

    If they knew that they had difficulties with the system, it should not really matter. But I would still email them explaining the situation and advising them that payment and application were submitted on time but due to technical issues application was not submitted till May 15.
  7. azhevzhyk

    Implied status question!

    CEC. Application received Sept 11, 2014.
  8. azhevzhyk

    Implied status question!

    Hi all, I also have a problem with my WP. It expires June 26 and from reading a lot on this forum I realized that there is no point for me to apply for visa extension as I will probably receive my PR faster than my WP.. Especially when processing time for WP is 83 days now! >:( Like some of...