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  1. F

    Thread for Applications Sent July 2010!!!

    Thank you pisces17.
  2. F

    Cant live without my Princess!

    thanx robrod.;)
  3. F

    Cant live without my Princess!

    lol..i was crying cuz i was missing her...by the way...i think what made my file even stronger is that i went to see her..i sent them copy of my boarding pass and my eticket showing when i was returning along with her passport.
  4. F

    Thread for Applications Sent July 2010!!!

    Update on my wife's sponsership.... we received her visa on oct 28 and i brought her to canada with me on Nov 23. and i would like to apologize for not updating till now since i had no internet service till today and thanx everyone for their help. and i would like to add this wonderful forum and...
  5. F

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Update on my wife's sponsership.... we received her visa on oct 28 and i brought her to canada with me on Nov 23. and i would like to apologize for not updating till now since i had no internet service till today and thanx everyone for their help. and i would like to add this wonderful forum and...
  6. F

    Cant live without my Princess!

    Update... we received her visa on oct 28 and i brought her to canada with me on Nov 23. and i would like to apologize for not updating till now since i had no internet service till today and thanx everyone for their help. and i would like to add that this is a wonderful forum and plz keep up the...
  7. F

    Thread for Applications Sent July 2010!!!

  8. F

    Cant live without my Princess!

    update on my app We can now see the details of your application on e-CAS... Latest update: "We started processing xxxxxxxxxxxxx application on September 16, 2010." AND i am in india now with my sweetheart.YYAAAYYYY
  9. F

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    update on my app We can now see the details of your application on e-CAS... Latest update: "We started processing xxxxxxxxxxxxx application on September 16, 2010." AND i am in india now with my sweetheart.YYAAAYYYY
  10. F

    Thread for Applications Sent July 2010!!!

    Hi guys, so i got a email from e-cas tracker saying We can now see the details of your application on e-CAS... Latest update: "We started processing XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX application on September 16, 2010." now, i wud like to know if everythiing goes to plan..how long before they ask us for the...
  11. F

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Rachel...isnt that true that if ur canadian citizen..its ok if u go see ur spouse? cuz im really thinking to..im canadian and mite go see my wife in a week.. wud that hurt my application in anyway?
  12. F


    C&P to all the news channel in india. someone gotta stop this. Everytime i go to india, I always have to be so careful. Those a**0 have serious power given by indian government. last time i took a dvd player worth about $40..the moron at airport wanted me to pay him $200...i told him to open...
  13. F

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    thank u veryverymuch kal this will help.
  14. F

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    thanx kal..ok gotcha..will ask my dad to look foe one of these offices. thanx again
  15. F

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    thanx whiteeagle, now one more question plz, my wife is staying at my house in india, when we do send the PP, can she write my house address or does she have to write her own house address? shes gonna be staying at my place most of the time so i prefer the CIC send her PP back at my house...
  16. F

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    hi everyone, The cic-new delhi will be asking my wife for her passport soon. i just need to know wat postal service peple use to mail in the passport. My wife lives in Gujarat state. The city name is Valsad. can someone tell me the best way to mail it in where i can track it as well? and do we...
  17. F

    Thread for Applications Sent July 2010!!!

    Hi kal, thanx for reply. I am a Canadian citizen so i guess im ok to go visit her now. i am hoping that they ask for her passport by sep the 15th?
  18. F

    Cant live without my Princess!

    yes would luv to, i got a letter from cic-m on aug 27 stating that they have approved me as a sponsor and have transfered the app to cic- new delhi on aug 24.
  19. F

    Thread for Applications Sent July 2010!!!

    thanx kal. so im looking at another 3 months:( ok question. if i go see my wife and live there till she get her passport back and bring her with me, wud they question that? wud it make the process go slow if they find out im in india with her? thanx
  20. F

    Thread for Applications Sent July 2010!!!

    Hi everyone, so finally i received the approval letter stating they have forwaded the app to cic- new delhi. now i would like to know what would be the next step? how long before i hear anything form them? if interview is waived, how long would it take before they ask us to send the passport in...